

The Complete Guide to Client Loyalty and Retention

April 23, 2020

The Complete Guide to Client Loyalty and Retention was created to help insurance increase agents their sales by seizing client retention opportunities. We have found that returning clients can boost your business in ways that new clients cannot. Reserach has shown that focusing on creating last relationships with your clients will help your business flourish and empower you to become a more successful agent. Use this guide to learn how to keep your returning clients happy and how to stand out from your industry competitors!

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The Complete Guide on How to Sell Medicare Supplements

April 3, 2020

The Complete Guide on How to Sell Medicare Supplements is a 52-page guide that covers everything you need to know to sell Medicare Supplement insurance (aka "Med Supp" or "Medigap" insurance) successfully — from getting licensed and contracted with top Medicare Supplements to generating free Medicare Supplement leads and determining the right carrier and plan type for clients!

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The Complete Guide on Developing an Agency

January 20, 2020

What's Inside Your Guide to Developing an Agency? We've created this guide to help both agents just starting an agency and those who have already established their own business reach optimal success. With all of the moving parts within this industry, we wanted to make sure you have the support you need while expanding your business.

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