Offer Clients Cancer Insurance Featuring Coverage for Genomic Sequencing

As an insurance agent, you have the ability to extend your clients’ insurance to help financially cover cancer treatment, including options available through genomic sequencing!

The most popular forms of cancer treatment have typically been chemotherapy and radiation. Today, some scientists are using genomic sequencing within cancer treatment and redefining what we thought we knew. Since its development in the late 1970s, genomic sequencing has become one of the most influential tools in biomedical research, cancer prevention and early detection, and treatments, but is it within your clients’ reach?

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Let’s examine this up-and-coming innovation in cancer research and how cancer insurance can help your clients benefit from and afford it.

What Is Genomic Sequencing?

The process of genome sequencing evaluates nearly all of an individual’s DNA. Within cancer treatment, it’s used to analyze thousands of genes at one time to decipher the genetic composition of a tumor. Cancer-genome sequencing has revealed that no two cancers are the same! Because of this testing, providers can make better decisions regarding cancer prevention and treatment and researchers can discover new information on cancer and treatment methods.

Genomic Sequencing and Cancer Insurance

Cancer insurance plans are the answer to beneficiaries accessing tools like genome sequencing. Cancer plans are now offering coverage of genome sequencing tests to the public and partnering with biotechnology industries to provide secure and protected analysis of cancer patients’ genetics.

Most cancer plans offer a lump-sum cash benefit paid directly to the policy owner.

Simply put, a cancer plan with a genomic sequencing benefit can help give your clients a better chance at beating cancer. After your client’s tumor “fingerprint” has been analyzed, they’ll be matched with the best treatment method for their specific cancer. While exact benefits vary by plan and state, the insurer often helps pay for testing and consultation services with oncology and sequencing experts. Additionally, most cancer plans offer a lump-sum cash benefit paid directly to the policy owner, which can cover deductibles, out-of-pocket costs, or any additional expenses!

Eliminate Financial Burden for Clients

One study has found that cancer survivors with less than one year of financial savings may have a reduced quality of life and experience more trouble from symptoms than those who have greater financial support. Additionally, other studies have shown that people with cancer are more likely to declare bankruptcy than people without a cancer history.

Breakthroughs from cancer research and treatment, like genomic sequencing, can make a big impact and are insurable under most cancer plans.

The most important thing you can do is talk to your clients about cancer insurance. Breakthroughs from cancer research and treatment, like genomic sequencing, can make a big impact and are insurable under most cancer plans. These plans open the door to precise testing and treatment options that can provide some relief of the unknown for your clients. In the unfortunate event of a cancer diagnosis, your clients can have access to more tools for treatment at affordable rates.

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Ready to sell cancer insurance with these benefits? Contact your sales specialist today for sales tips and insight on which cancer plans are best for your specific portfolio!

Not affiliated with or endorsed by Medicare or any government agency.

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