Steps to Selling Medicare Advantage
Learning to Sell | Lesson 8

Next Steps

Now that you’ve wrapped up this module, you’ve got the steps to close your next Medicare Advantage sale!

That’s an exciting step in your insurance career!

But don’t forget, the sale is just the beginning of an ongoing relationship with your client. In addition to following up, you can find ways to stay connected to your client.

Check out our module Staying Connected to Current Clients

If you already have that covered, head back to the Knight School homepage. We’re sure you’ll find more valuable content!

Thanks for watching.

Mentioned in this Module:

How to Follow up with Medicare Clients Compliantly
MA & PDP Compliant Sales Checklist
Ritter Docs Carrier Pages

More Modules You Might Like:

Cross-Sell to Fill Coverage Gaps or Unmet Needs
Staying Connected to Current Clients

Additional Resources:

Agent Survival Guide Podcast
Meet the Sales Team at Ritter Insurance Marketing PlanEnroll Information
Register with Ritter Insurance Marketing
Ritter Blog
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Ritter Events & Webinars

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