Staying Connected to Current Clients
Expand & Dominate | Lesson 9

Next Steps

We’ve covered a lot of ground in this module, we hope you’ve learned a lot, and the rest is up to you!

How much effort do you want to invest in staying in touch with your current clients?

The value is clear, between growth in long-term profits based on increased retention and increased chance of referrals.

When you laser-focus on something as simple as staying in touch with clients, you can develop a book of loyal customers that support your long-term growth through referrals and a steady stream of renewals.

We can’t wait to see your business grow by implementing the methods we outlined in these lessons.

If you want to learn more about what you heard in this module, be sure to visit the Knight School resources page.

And now that you’ve completed this module, it’s time to return to the Knight School homepage and get started on the next one.

Thanks for watching!

Mentioned in this Module:

KFF Health News
Mayo Clinic
National Institutes of Health
Register with Ritter Insurance Marketing
Sample Letters from My Insurance Letters
Social Media Marketing for Insurance Agents
The Ritter Platform

Additional Resources:

Ritter Blog
Agent Survival Guide Podcast
Events & Webinars from Ritter Insurance Marketing
Medicare Quote Engine
Meet the Sales Team at Ritter Insurance Marketing PlanEnroll Information
Ritter Insurance Marketing on Facebook
Ritter Insurance Marketing on LinkedIn
Ritter Insurance Marketing on Twitter
Ritter Insurance Marketing on Youtube
Ritter’s Round Table Group on Facebook

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