Are You Ready to Start Your Own Insurance Agency?
Expand & Dominate | Lesson 6

Next Steps

Starting an agency is an exciting time for your business!

We hope you enjoyed this module on starting your own insurance agency.

We aimed to offer as much information as possible in this module, but we understand if you still have questions.

Every agency is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all-approach to setting up your business.

That’s why we encourage you to reach out!

Let’s have a conversation about where you see your business growing.

Then, we can talk about how we can come alongside you and help make that happen.

Don’t forget to check out all of the resources mentioned in this module and our Free guide to starting your own insurance agency!

You’ll find the links listed in the description below.

And even though we’ve come to the end of this series of lessons, there’s more to learn from Knight School!

When you’re ready, head back to the Knight School homepage to choose another module.

Thanks for watching!

Mentioned in this Module:

Developing an Agency – Your Guide to Getting Started
General Services Administration (GSA) Screening – Entity Information
Knight School Business Plan Template
List of Excluded Individuals/Entities (LEIE) Search Help
Map of State Insurance Department Resources
National Association of Insurance Commissioners – NAIC
National Insurance Provider Registry
Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Screening Exclusions Database
Quick Start Guide For Searching Exclusions

Additional Resources:

Ritter Blog
Agent Survival Guide Podcast
Medicare Quote Engine
Meet the Sales Team at Ritter Insurance Marketing PlanEnroll Information
Register with Ritter Insurance Marketing
The Ritter Platform
Ritter Events & Webinars

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