Understanding Medicare Part D – Prescriptions Drug Plans
Laying a Solid Foundation | Lesson 7

Next Steps

Now that you have a basic understanding of how Part D plans work for your clients, you’ll be prepared to educate your clients on this essential part of their Medicare coverage.

We’ll cover how to apply this information to working with your clients in additional modules.

We’ll go over finding the best plan options for their specific situation, how to make the sale, and more!

To learn more about what you heard in this module, be sure to check out the information listed and linked just below this video!

Now that you’ve completed this module on Medicare Part D, it’s time to get started on the next one!

Simply return to the Knight School homepage and choose your next set of lessons.

Thanks for watching!

Mentioned in this Module:

Extra Help Program Income and Asset Limits Costs for Medicare drug coverage Drug Plan Coverage Rules Special circumstances
Part D Low Income Subsidy/Extra Help Eligibility and Coverage Chart
Understanding Extra Help With Your Medicare Prescription Plan

Additional Resources:

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