Getting Ready to Sell
Laying a Solid Foundation | Lesson 7

Next Steps

We’ve talked through preparation, contracting, certifying, supplies, and submitting business.

Getting ready-to-sell can certainly feel like a quest of sorts, but once you get through these steps, you’ll be ready to start drumming up business!

And if it seems like we mentioned preparation a lot in this module, that was intentional.

Putting more time and effort into your preparation is going to pay off in the long run, trust me. It sets you up for success once you’re meeting with your clients.

Not only are these steps key to being able to sell at all, but they’re also integral in familiarizing yourself with the carriers and plans that you’ll be offering.

You’ll be ready with the top carriers for your clients.

You’ll be knowledgeable on the plans you’re offering.

And most importantly, you’ll be able to seamlessly move through the sales process when they’re ready to buy.

Don’t forget, below the video, we have the resources listed that we mentioned during this module.

Now that you’ve finished all the lessons in this module, you can return to the Knight School homepage to select your next learning experience. Thanks for watching!

Mentioned in this Module:

Carrier Pages
Certification Center
Contract Status Descriptions
Contract Status Information
Online Contracting Online Help Center
Perfect Portfolio Module
Resource Center Supplies

Additional Resources:

Ritter Blog
Agent Survival Guide Podcast
Medicare Quote Engine
Meet the Sales Team at Ritter Insurance Marketing PlanEnroll Information
Register with Ritter Insurance Marketing
The Ritter Platform Ritter Events & Webinars

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