Whether you’re just starting out in the insurance industry or you’re a seasoned agent, having a strong book of business is essential to boosting your sales. Being able to keep those clients in your book of business — aka “client retention” — is what could potentially make or break your success rate as an agent.

If you’re a novice agent, you may think gaining as many clients as possible is the first step to jump-starting your career. While it’s true that you need clients to get your business up and running, steer your focus toward insurance client retention rather than obtainment. The better your client retention, the more success you will have in the future since clients are more likely to refer you to their peers.

Guide 2

Why Client Loyalty in Insurance Is So Important for Retention

It can be tempting to focus your efforts on acquiring new customers, but research proves it’s returning customers who are worth the most to your business. Keeping in touch not only guarantees increased sales, but it ensures clients don’t flee to your competitors! If you can make your clients feel special, they’ll be more likely to keep coming back and tell their friends.

Be an Agent Who Cares

A surefire way to boost your insurance client loyalty retention is by delivering a positive customer service experience. When you do, clients are more likely to keep coming back and tell their friends. You never want them to think you’re just trying to make a sale and forget about them.

Getting Started

Nobody expects you to memorize everything about every client. However, a simple spreadsheet can help you keep track of important details, like birthdays. Adding notes to their contact information in your phone is another way to make sure you always have that info on hand. An easy way to do this is by using the Notes feature on the Ritter Platform. There, you can easily keep track of your clients’ plan info and personal information.

Try learning these things about your client:

  • Personal details:
    • Spouse’s name
    • Kids’ names and ages
    • Birthdays and anniversaries
    • Their job/industry
    • Sports/clubs your clients or their kids are in
    • Upcoming vacations
    • Favorite sports teams
  • Preferred method of contact: text, call, email

While this might sound like a lot of work on your part, it’s worth the effort to avoid losing customers.

Remember, it’s harder to ‘fire’ a friend than an agent!

But making your customers happy isn’t just about retaining one sale. Excellent customer service also earns you easier cross-sell opportunities, more referrals, and higher overall revenue. The more you communicate with your clients, the better your chances will be for retaining them. When your clients know you respond quickly and care about helping them, they’ll come to you first with their concerns, rather than test the waters with another insurance advisor.


How Can The Complete Guide to Client Loyalty and Retention Help You Become a Better Agent?

The Complete Guide to Client Loyalty and Retention was created to help insurance agents increase their sales by seizing customer loyalty retention opportunities. We have found that returning clients can boost your business in ways that new clients cannot. Research has shown that focusing on creating last relationships with your clients will help your business flourish and empower you to become a more successful agent. Use this guide to learn how to keep your returning clients happy and how to stand out from your industry competitors!

See What’s Inside This Guide!

We hope this guide gives you insight into client loyalty and retention, and that you can use this tangible advice to achieve your goals and keep your clients happy! Fill out the form to get your free download today.

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