Tips for Becoming a Top Producing Insurance Agency

Becoming a top producing agency isn’t something that happens overnight. It will take work, and maybe a bit of trial and error, to see what will work best for your insurance agency and sales flow.

Below are a few things you, as an agency owner, can do to help your business climb to the top and stay there!

Set Goals

It may seem simple, but setting goals is essential to your agency’s success. Consider this – would you work hard running a race if there’s no finish line to reach? Sure, success is an ongoing achievement, but it’s vague. Having explicit goals to measure growth are what will be beneficial to your business.

You can set daily, monthly, quarterly, or year-end goals and even use a mixture of these types. So, for example, you can work with your downline agents to set daily goals for their number of lead calls and also have quarterly sales goals in place. How many and the kinds of goals you set for your agency are, of course, up to you. It’s just important that you have something established to evaluate your progress and production. Also remember, when establishing your goals, be sure to make them SMART.

As you track your agency’s progress using your goals, make sure you keep your downline agents informed. Everyone’s work is contributing to the success of the agency and there’s no better morale booster than seeing a goal met or exceeded!

Use Cutting-Edge Sales Tools

In order to reach the goals you’ve set and ramp up production, you’ll need reliable tools. In the Medicare business, a client relationship management (CRM) system, quote engine, and commissions tracker are just a few of the resources you’ll want to utilize.

If your agency is partnered with a field marketing organization (FMO), there’s a good chance your FMO offers these kinds of tools. Ritter Insurance Marketing does along with our partner, Integrity. Track commissions and contract online through Contract Now* in the Ritter Platform. Gather leads in your market by using LeadCENTER or manage clients and compare plans in MedicareCENTER. Integrity also has tools available for Medicare Supplements and life insurance products!

As a companion to MedicareCENTER, consider utilizng your own consumer-facing PlanEnroll site to quote, enroll, and generate leads in one CMS-approved tool. Access your Personal Agent Website when you register for MedicareCENTER today!

Ritter tools and Integrity tools are free to Ritter agents! If you’re not partnered with us, taking a moment to register with Ritter can give your agency a huge boost!

*Newly registered agents must speak with their sales specialist to unlock Contract Now.

In addition to tools, Ritter also offers educational support and events to attend! Your agency could also be eligible for our marketing co-op and our marketing materials!

Focus on Client Retention

It’s extremely important to attract new clients to your business, but don’t underestimate the value of your current clients. Your satisfied clients are more likely to renew their coverage and return for your services. To boost client loyalty to encourage retention, concentrate on how you’re interacting with your clients. Serve them better by being knowledgeable and advocating for them.

Master client communication and retention with part two of The Ultimate Agent Resource List!

Clients want someone who knows the answers to the questions and is willing to help them find the answers. Listen well to your clients and understand their pain points to help them find solutions. We encourage regular communication about their plan choices, but also speak to your clients on a regular basis to develop personal relationships with them. Encourage your downline agents to take these practices to heart while recruiting.

Have a Diverse Portfolio

We recommend having a diverse portfolio of contracts to satisfy a variety of clients. Your agency could help a wide selection of people who might be looking for coverage. Offer supplemental, Medicare plans, and marketplace plans to be able to reach anyone who could need health insurance!

With more product lines to reach more clients, your agency will grow into new success!

Train Your Downlines

The insurance industry is constantly evolving and changing, so staying on top of changes and newsworthy events is crucial for your downline agents. To see the most success with your agency, train your agents thoroughly and provide continuing education opportunities for them.

Provide many opportunities with great resources to grow your agency. At Ritter, we also provide many opportunities for continuing education (CE) credits at various events and through trainings. Consider attending our Summits to learn more about the health insurance industry and earn CE credits!

Continuously Market and Recruit

Another way to make sure your agency stays on top is to make sure you keep your business present within your local community. You can do this in a number of ways — volunteering, creating affinity partnerships, using traditional and modern marketing methods, etc.

It’s important that you keep your business on the radar of your target market year-round for those entering their Initial Enrollment Periods (IEPs), a Special Enrollment Periods (SEPs) and of course, the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP).

And similar to marketing your business to gain more leads and clients, you also want to continue to expand your downline by recruiting new independent agents. Doing so helps your agency achieve higher commission levels and bump up your sales.

Now, recruiting timelines may take time and should be done at a pace you can handle. You don’t want to take on 10 new agents if you don’t have the time or resources to properly assist and engage with each one, including the agents you may already be working with. Bottom line: Never close off the possibility for business expansion but hold off if it will cost you your production!

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Being at the top is big accomplishment, but if you’re not there yet it’s OK! Be proud of the progress you’re making to achieve your business’ summit and make sure you’re doing all you can on your climb!

Don’t have an agency yet, but want to start one? Our guide, Developing an Agency — Your Guide to Getting Started can be your resource to help you get your own Medicare insurance business up and running!

Not affiliated with or endorsed by Medicare or any government agency.

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