The time to start selling Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans to your clients is now! But how do you find new clients who are eligible and in need of coverage?
There are a few resources and strategies to help you easily generate ACA leads for your business. Continue reading to learn how to find new under-65 clients during the Open Enrollment Period (OEP) and beyond!
1. Participate in ‘Find Local Help’ is the host site for the federal marketplace, but it also includes resources for individuals looking to sign up for marketplace coverage, such as the Find Local Help search tool. Agents and brokers can add their contact information to the Find Local Help search tool on the site to allow prospects to find them when they need assistance finding coverage.
Also referred to as “Help on Demand,” in order to participate in this program for federal exchange states, agents must complete the “Help on Demand” training course after completing the Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM) certification. This supplementary training is brief and educates agents on how to take advantage of the tool.
To add your information to Find Local Help:
- Create an account with the CMS Enterprise Portal. If you already have an account but haven’t used it recently, you may need to renew your account for the 2025 plan year.
- Identify yourself as an agent or broker by selecting Request Access Now, then choosing the FFM/Training- Agents/Brokers/Assisters title page, and then selecting FFM Agent Broker from the drop-down menu.
- Confirm your identity by following the prompts on the page.
- Complete the “Help on Demand” training and sign the privacy agreements, if you haven’t already.
- Confirm that your National Producer Numbers (NPNs) are listed as valid on the Agent and Broker FFM Registration Completion List.
- When completing your profile, you’ll be asked if you’d like to be displayed on the Find Local Help page. Select yes.
- Enter your information and click the Save/Update button.
CMS will then verify your information and you can move forward with finalizing your Find Local Help page. Follow this guide to get in touch with potential clients!
It may take some time for this information to be displayed on the page; the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) states it may take one to two business days. Upon seeing your info, prospective clients can contact you directly, creating an easy way for individuals to find your business information online 24/7, with Find Local Help doing all the work for you.
Please keep in mind that this tool is specific to federal marketplace states through Most state marketplaces provide a similar option; check with the exchanges that you’re selling in for their option. Familiarize yourself with their requirements to participate if you’re interested.
2. Practice Community Engagement
If you prefer a more traditional, face-to-face approach, consider getting involved in your community to make connections. Being aware of the needs within your community is a great way to recognize those who may need health coverage. Additionally, being a community regular encourages new connections with individuals and business owners.
Being aware of the needs within your community is a great way to recognize those who may need health coverage.
Caring about your local economy and passing along a business card is a great start, but you can also volunteer within your hometown to continue to share this message. Fostering feelings of trust and wellbeing in your community is significant when marketing yourself as a business owner. Sharing your business and your name is an excellent way to grow your client base and meet individuals who may benefit from your services.
Although children who have medical needs may be eligible for CHIP, there may be families in the local school system who are eligible for cost-sharing deductions with a marketplace plan. Attend school events and volunteer with the school system to continue to share your business. This level of community engagement is a great way to meet those in the school district and access their needs.
3. Check in With Local Small Businesses
Your local community is your greatest asset as a small business owner. We recommend frequenting local coffee shops, hometown restaurants, and small businesses. Some of the employees of these locations may not receive employer health care and may need a marketplace plan. Shop the surrounding small businesses in your area and get to know the owners. You’ll become more familiar with the needs of individuals in the community over time.
Ask yourself the following questions:
- What is the general income of your area? Lower-income individuals may need a marketplace insurance plan and may qualify for subsidized coverage.
- Are most individuals younger or older? Consider where younger individuals frequent in your community.
- Are there a lot of families that may need a family insurance plan? They might be newly eligible for cost-sharing reductions with a marketplace plan, making health care more affordable than before.
Talk with small business owners and discover how their employees are covered or may not be covered. Does the employer supply health care coverage? If not, perhaps their employees could be eligible for a marketplace plan if they are not covered under a spouse’s insurance plan.
Employers with 1-50 full-time employees are eligible for Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) insurance; however, not all employers provide this coverage. If your local small business owner isn’t interested in supplying this coverage to their employees, consider asking if the employer would refer your services to their employees.
By offering your services, you can maintain positive relationships with business owners and employees of small businesses in your area to create a mutually beneficial relationship!
4. Acquire Fresh Leads with LeadCENTER
LeadCENTER, Integrity’s lead-acquisition platform, has marketplace leads available for purchase. Grow your client base by registering with Ritter to gain access to LeadCENTER. The health insurance leads you receive via LeadCENTER campaigns are high quality and vetted for compliance. Your new clients are also able to be worked and managed in Integrity’s client management platform for simplified client communication.
To set up a LeadCENTER ACA campaign:
- Log into LeadCENTER using your verified NPN and password used to log into the Integrity Platform
- On the left-hand side, select Campaigns
- Select Create Campaign
- Input a Campaign Name and set Campaign Type as either Call or Data
- Select the Lead Type: ACA Live Transfer (Realtime Call) or ACA (Realtime Lead)
- Choose geography; input all states you are certified to sell in!
- Configure Lead Volume to select the maximum number of leads you wish to gain per week
- View the campaign summary to confirm campaign details
Note: You must complete LeadCENTER agent training to be able to start LeadCENTER campaigns.
Other than a LeadCENTER campaign, you can also purchase ACA leads in bulk from the LeadCENTER Marketplace.
You can select:
- Diamond ACA Leads: 0-2 days old
- Gold ACA Leads: 3-14 days old
- Silver ACA Leads: 15-30 days old
- Bronze ACA Leads: 31-60 days old
To purchase ACA leads from the Marketplace:
- Log into LeadCENTER using your verified NPN and password used to log into the Integrity Platform
- On the left-hand side, select Marketplace
- Select Health as the Product Type
- Select Internet as the Lead Category
- Input states where you wish to acquire leads; make sure you only select places you are certified to sell in
- You can either select the whole state or one county at a time
- Select ACA Lead in the list below
- Input the number of leads you wish to order
- Select the shopping cart icon to add to cart
Leads purchased from the Marketplace are affordable and can lead to sales if you foster great relationships with your new leads to transform them into clients and grow your business!
5. Develop Good Relationships with Existing Clients
Your existing relationships with your current clients are just as crucial as creating new connections. Make check-in appointments with your clients to spend some time getting to know them personally. By meeting with them, you’re demonstrating to your clients that you care about them. Building trust with your clients encourages them to come back to you with their insurance needs.
If your current clients can depend on you with their health care requirements, they may recommend your business to their children, spouse, extended family members, and friends. Encourage your clients to bring their relatives and friends to you if they can benefit from your services.
Builidng relationships and maintaining client loyalty is crucial for an independent agent. Learn the ins and outs in our Complete Guide to Client Loyalty and Retention.

6. Utilize Social Media Marketing
Using tried and true methods for lead generation is just as important as staying up to date with trends in modern health insurance lead generation. Social media has become an important tool for small business owners. Consider developing several social media pages across a variety of platforms to connect with clients.
Clients who need a marketplace plan are younger, and therefore, likely on the web! Your clients may be active on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, just to name a few platforms. Social media tools allow agents to connect with clients at any time, at any place.
If you’re still new to social media, check out our free Social Media Marketing for Insurance Agents eBook! This free eBook will walk you through the process of establishing a social media marketing strategy to market your business.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to gaining some new ACA clients! We encourage you to take advantage of Ritter’s resources like our marketing and incentives program for agents, our competitive contracts from a growing list of under-65 carriers, and our supportive sales staff that can assist you with any questions you may have along the way.
Ritter wants to see you succeed and grow your small business. Register with our site today to get more assistance generating quality and profitable leads!
Not affiliated with or endorsed by Medicare or any government agency.
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