Reassuring Clients During Difficult Times

During times of uncertainty, like the COVID-19 pandemic, it is likely that your clients will look to you for reassurance, and answers. Are you prepared to provide the support they are seeking?

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Here are some ways you can be a positive and helpful figure in your clients’ lives during difficult times.

Check in on Your Clients

When times are uncertain, hearing from familiar people can be a comfort. Taking a chunk of time out of your day to put together check-in emails, letters or even make phone calls could seem like a sacrifice. You might think “that is time I can spend doing something else,” but the gesture will further strengthen your relationship with your clients and their trust in you. Taking care of your current client base is just as important as generating leads and bringing in new clients.

Ritter can even make this easy for you! We have developed client check-in templates for a postcard, email, and letter and there is also a phone call script you can utilize. These pieces can be personalized with your own messages or they are good to go as they are. These templates can be easily downloaded and will hopefully be a big help to you.

Some clients could have questions for you, but they’re worried they will be a bother. Taking the step to reach out will break this barrier and assure they can reach out to you anytime.

Be Well-Informed About Current Events

Have you ever called a business with questions and the person on the other end is stuttering and stammering, unable to give you the answers? How frustrating is that? In times of crisis, especially those that affect health, your clients are going to call you and you don’t want to be uninformed. It’s essential you stay up-to-date on what’s going on, how it affects your clients, and the solutions.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there certainly have been questions about testing for the illness and whether Medicare plans will cover the fee. This is a prime example of the type of information you should know. You can find this information by leaning on your field marketing organization (FMO), like Ritter, going straight to the carriers’ websites, calling the carriers’ directly, or checking news resources.

Sure, there will be times you get a question you can’t answer right away, so let the client know you will look into it and get back to them as soon as possible. Never try to fabricate an answer that sounds good or say something you think is right just to appease them. Always be certain of the information you are providing.

Instill Confidence Using Technology

As the years progress, more and more seniors are using technology. However, a study conducted in 2019 found that frustration from the older population with technology leaves them with a lack of confidence in their abilities to use it, resulting in less motivation to try. In times when working remotely is the only option, like during a government-mandated quarantine, you will need to be a source of encouragement and assist your clients with using technology to complete tasks or solve issues regarding their Medicare plans and health care.

Using telehealth is a great example. If your client’s Medicare plan includes covered telehealth services and they need to use them, take the time to walk them through the details should they reach out to you for guidance.

It is also important that you yourself have confidence using technological tools and resources. It’s extremely helpful if all of your tools are located on one interface, like the Ritter Platform, which streamlines plan quoting, client record management, and more. If you’re not partnered with us yet, it is never too late to sign up! You can easily register for free and gain access to the Ritter Platform. Our Sales team is happy to help you get started using our tools and answer any questions that arise along the way. Your confidence with using technology will keep your business strong and help your clients with their needs.

Look to the Bright Side

Lastly, make sure you are a positive voice among the uncertainty. Though you may feel discouraged by the circumstances, show your clients that you have hope and they can too. There are benefits to positive thinking such as better mental and physical health and increased success, so staying upbeat despite uncertain circumstances is just as good for you as it is for your clients.

Staying upbeat despite uncertain circumstances is just as good for you as it is for your clients.

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There’s a good chance that at some point, if it hasn’t happened already, some of your clients will come to you for guidance during difficult times. Make sure you do all that you can to reassure clients that you’re there to help them and everything will be OK.

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