How to Overcome Common Medicare Insurance Sales Objections

Every agent will hear objections during Medicare sales appointments or sales events. Not every client that you meet with is going to be interested in a plan you may suggest, even if it seems like the right choice for their unique situation.

Here are some objections agents might encounter in the field and our advice on how to resolve them.

Common Objections

”I’m not interested in a Medicare Advantage plan. I just want to supplement Original Medicare.”

Something to the effect of “I don’t want to deal with Medicare Advantage” may be one of the first things you may hear. It’s common for people to object to the idea of Medicare Advantage.

Keep in mind a client may not know what they want or need. They may only know what they’ve heard from friends and friends who may not be reliable. So, what should you do?

To overcome a client’s initial objection to Medicare Advantage, approach with the intention to best serve your client before making a sale. Evaluate their health profile and determine if a Medicare Supplement is the right choice for their needs. You can use PlanEnroll to encourage individuals to input their preferred doctors, pharmacies, and any prescriptions they might be taking. This consumer-facing quoting and enrollment platform enables the selection of multiple plans in a client’s network to compare coverages and costs. This allows them to make the best decision with your guidance.

Resolve client hesitations with education. Thoroughly outline what Medicare Advantage is, how it works, and how it could work to their benefit. Be a reliable and trustworthy resource for the individuals you serve. You will gain trust and allow them to make an informed decision.

“An educated decision is the best decision to make.” — Dan Ford, Senior Sales Broker

Give your clients the power of choice at the end of the day but educate them well enough to empower them to make the best choice for their health using your knowledge and experience.

”I don’t need to purchase a Part D plan; I don’t take any prescription medications.”

If you meet with a client who doesn’t currently take any prescription medications, they may object to purchasing a Part D plan to reduce their costs. Educate clients about what Medicare Advantage, Part D, and Original Medicare cover and outline the differences of how well they work together. Most importantly, tell them what happens if they don’t enroll in a Part D plan now and what happens if they find they need one down the road.

“The more your client knows, the better they will be able to make a decision on what’s best for them.” — Dan Ford, Senior Sales Broker

Clients should consider the Part D penalty. Explain exactly how a Part D penalty works and about how much it’s going to cost if your client does not elect Part D coverage or a Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug (MAPD) plan.

It’s important to have coverage for prescription drugs, even if a client doesn’t have any current prescriptions. Future conditions may arise, or they may find themselves ill with expensive drug costs if they do not have coverage. Now, MAPD plans are becoming more popular for several reasons. Ritter CEO, Craig Ritter, noted these changes in one of our previous posts, “The Future of Medicare Part D: The Push Toward MAPD.”

Learn more about the Part D penalty and how to help your clients avoid penalties in our post on the topic.

”I want to stay in a Medicare Supplement.”

What happens when somebody is in a Medicare Supplement, but they can no longer afford it and have a health ailment?

Those wishing to obtain different Medicare Supplement coverage could have to pass underwriting. Some clients with chronic conditions may not pass. Depending on the health ailment, it may be beneficial for them to select a Medicare Advantage plan. It’s all about educating them around what it is, how it works, giving them some ballpark figures as to how copays, coinsurances, deductibles, and maximum out-of-pockets work.

Master Medicare underwriting with our guide, A Comprehensive Guide to Medicare Supplement Underwriting!

Clients are often concerned if their medications are going to be covered and if the plan is affordable. Medicare Advantage can be a great option for these individuals looking to have a choice that can decrease the amount of money coming out of their pockets.

“Put your clients or your potential clients with any objection at ease by saying, ‘Hey, we don’t need to make this decision today. We have a little bit of time.’” — Dan Ford, Senior Sales Broker

Strategies to Overcome Objections

Even though you may face objections, you can overcome them. Here are a few strategies that you can use to conquer the “no.”

Remove the Pressure

Give clients as much time as they need to contemplate their decision. Right off the bat, you can say, “Hey, there is no pressure here. I want you to make the right decision and educated decision.” Any client with objections is going to be hesitant to rush into a sale before they’re ready. Give the power to your clients and let them know that the decision is theirs to make at the end of the day.

It may take another client visit or another call to make the final sale, but by taking the pressure away, you can gain your client’s trust faster. Removing the pressure is a great way to relay to your clients that you’re not there to make money; you’re there guide them in the process of selecting an insurance plan.

Educate Your Client

Client education should be a cornerstone of your business. Provide as much detail as possible about the process and their plan options to allow the individual to make an educated decision. We suggest bringing leave-behind materials with you to client visits. You can access these materials from your carrier or from the Integrity Platform.

In the event you have to make a return visit to a client, prepare to do some reeducating or give them reminders about what was previously discussed. Don’t shy away from giving your opinion. You’re the experienced professional, after all!

Listen Well

It’s important to listen to your clients and their objections to mitigate their concerns. Even if your client doesn’t say “no” directly, taking cues from their hesitations and their questions will help you ask follow-up questions to resolve their concerns or provide your reasoning for making a particular suggestion.

Often, clients aren’t sure what they’re looking for. Return the power to them by letting them do most of the talking at their first appointment. Ask your client for a medical history, what they’re looking for in a plan, and how much they’re willing to spend. Take thorough notes and give soft guidance. By listening well, you’re developing a valuable client relationship that can be profitable for years to come.

Stay Compliant

Staying compliant and being aware of agent requirements is the best way to advocate for your clients. One of the most common compliance obstacles agents face is the 48-hour Scope of Appointment (SOA) requirement. Adhere to compliance rules by collecting an SOA 48 hours before a phone call or appointment. The only exceptions that apply are when a beneficiary is four days or less from a valid enrollment period or is an unscheduled walk in.

Make sure you record your phone calls when reaching out to clients. Using a tool such as Integrity’s MedicareCENTER, which is free for Ritter agents, allows you to view client transcripts and notes from your calls.

“Part of staying compliant is educating your people. And as long as you’re doing that, I think you’re going to go far.” — Dan Ford, Senior Sales Broker

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With a career in sales, sales objections are inevitable. However, a hard no doesn’t have to be intimidating. With preparation and a good relationship with your clients, an objection can be easily navigated and can result in a sale with time and patience.

You don’t have to face tough situations such as objections alone. Register with Ritter for free to have a team of knowledgeable sales specialists in your corner. You’ll also gain access to online contracting with Contract Now and our competitive portfolio of carriers!

Newly registered with Ritter and ready to unlock fully online contracting through Contract Now? Have a conversation with your sales specialist.

Not affiliated with or endorsed by Medicare or any government agency.

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