How Insurance Agents Can Learn About Their Social Media Audience

Social media allows for a newer way of insurance marketing and reaching new customers. An insurance agent’s audience on social sites could differ from their traditional audience, in the sense of how these clients hear about agents — such as from phone calls, websites, or their family and friends.

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By knowing your social media audience, you can create higher quality content that creates higher engagement with your target market. That means a better return on investment and hopefully even more sales. Let’s dive into ways to better understand your social media audience.

There are many social media platforms, but let’s discuss a few popular ones: Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These platforms have revolutionized how we reconnect with one another and even market to customers.


Facebook is one of the first major social media platforms that took off. It’s reformed the way we think of likes and friends, share information, and how we connect. Individuals can create a professional business page or simply a personal page to connect with family, friends, and coworkers. Specifically, insurance agents can use this platform to connect with other agents in tailored groups and market their brand and services to their followers.

According to Statista, in 2020, Facebook is the most active global social media platform, with 2.91 billion users. In addition, every year its mobile advertising revenue significantly rises. It’s makeup of users includes 50 percent of seniors (age 65 or older) and 70 to 77 percent of those in the following age groups: 18 to 29, 30 to 49, and 50 to 64.


Twitter is more of a fast-paced platform that rose the hashtag (#) to popularity. It allows users to access their favorite public figures, brands, and companies by using direct channels. For businesses, this social site is perfect for getting content out nice and quick, so be sure to keep your tweets short and sweet. In addition, Twitter is famous for its retweet option, which allows users to share and amplify someone else’s content, or its quote retweet feature which amplifies the content with additional commentary. With the power of a retweet, you can spread news and information in just a second.

Twitter may be most popular among the younger crowd (ages 18 to 29), but statistics show the number of users age 50 and older continues to rise. According to a poll in Statista, Twitter ranks third in digital advertising revenue.


LinkedIn is similar to Facebook, but better built for business professionals. It’s become the new craze and way for finding jobs and connecting with individuals in a similar career or line of work. For insurance agents, LinkedIn is a great place to connect with field marketing organizations (like Ritter Insurance Marketing) and other agents and brokers to stay up to date on the latest trends and news. You may just find your next business partner or recruit more agents for your downline!

LinkedIn is growing every year with new users. Statista reports they reached 169 million users in 2021. According to Content Marketing Institute, 96 percent of business to business (B2B) content marketers use LinkedIn as one of their social platforms. This makes LinkedIn the top network for B2B content marketers, followed by Twitter and Facebook (both used by 82 percent of B2B content marketers).

Tips for Insurance Agents on Learning About Your Social Media Clients

Now that you’re aware of the social media platforms and what their purpose is, it’s time to go over some tips for furthering your sales and marketing. Getting started is always the toughest part, but once you take your first step the results will show you how to approach your clients.

  • Research what your audience consists of (age, gender, etc.) — By seeing what your audience demographics are, you can better tailor your content toward your followers. People love seeing content that’s catered to them.
  • Conduct polls to see who is active on social media — Polls are one of the best ways to engage with your social media audience. They are easy to set up and will give you straightforward answers to help you sell. Here is a link to expand your knowledge on polls.
  • Identify your buyer’s persona — One of the most crucial aspects is to identify your buyer persona. With that in mind, it’s much easier to develop effective, targeted content that speaks to your ideal buyer’s goals and challenges.
  • Examine which platform(s) your audience interacts with the most — Lastly, see which platform your audience is using the most. Depending on your previous research, you may have more people on Facebook or more on Twitter.

Use Analytics Within Platforms to Your Advantage

No matter which social media platform(s) you use, there are usually ways to tap into what your audience consists of and what their likes are.

  • Demographics — This is all the generic information collected about an individual user interacting with your content (e.g., age range, gender, location, etc.)
  • Follows — Followers work to build your credibility. If you have lots of followers, this shows that people are interested enough to see what you post. You can tell a lot about your demographics by looking at your followers.
  • Clicks — Simply put, this is how many people clicked anywhere on your post.
  • Reach — This indicates how many people may have “seen” your post through their newsfeed. It doesn’t necessarily mean they read the whole thing or engaged with it.
  • Impressions— This indicates how many times a post was “seen” by someone. It doesn’t necessarily mean they read the whole thing or engaged with it.
  • Engagement metrics — This is how many people interacted with your post by clicking on links, liking, or favoriting the content, sharing it, or commenting on it.

While there may be third-party analytics sites or services you can use, many social media sites save you the hassle and already include built-in analytics tools within their platform!

  • Facebook Audience Insights — Facebook Audience Insights is an analytics dashboard where you can track user behavior and post-performance on your Facebook business page.
  • Twitter Analytics — Twitter Analytics shows you how your audience is responding to your content, what’s working, and what’s not. Use this data to optimize your future Twitter campaigns and get better results.
  • LinkedIn Page Analytics — With this tool you can understand your LinkedIn audience better, create tailored content, and research ideal business connections, all by accessing data on this site. To learn more about this feature, view this LinkedIn help resource or the Linkedin Marketing Blog.

Learn More from Our eBook

Our Social Media Marketing for Insurance Agents eBook provides much more information if you found this post helpful. The best part is our eBook is completely free! Some of the key points you can take away from reading this eBook are:

  • How to develop a marketing strategy for social media
    • Rules on social media compliance
    • How to create a post
    • Creating a business page
  • How to use content marketing

Want to dig deeper into using social media for your insurance business? Download our full social media eBook. Get your free copy!.

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Learning about your social media audience and clients as an agent may take some time and practice. But at the end of the day, this work will help you increase your sales, leads, and networking to a whole new level. Social media is still on the rise today, many businesses and companies are continuing to expand their work to the internet. Whether you’re a new or seasoned agent, we highly recommend you jump onto the social media marketing bandwagon to help better your business!

Not affiliated with or endorsed by Medicare or any government agency.

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