Finish Work Faster Using e-Apps

Clients are likely to choose a Medicare Supplement based on financial factors like premium and long-term rate stability. But, what are carriers doing to appeal to tech-savvy agents like you?

In the past few years, we’ve seen an increase in the use of e-Apps, which simplify business for agents and their clients.

Let’s take a look at how using e-Apps can revolutionize the way you run your business.

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Make the Most of Each Appointment

If you’re familiar with online technologies, e-Apps can save you time with every sale. Not only do they simplify application submissions, but they also expedite the issuing process.

e-Apps can save you time with every sale!

And what do quick policy issues lead to? More satisfied customers and faster commission deliveries.

Get It Right the First Time

There’s nothing worse than submitting an application after an appointment, only to learn you accidentally left a required field blank. Good e-Apps have fail-safes to prevent just that from happening!

They provide visual cues to indicate missing information or clarifications needed on an application. Then, after submission, you can easily track pending apps and keep your clients informed of the status of their application.

e-Apps prevent you from completing & submitting an outdated paper application. Phew!

Finally, e-Apps help you avoid the most frustrating mistake of all: completing and submitting an outdated paper application you’ve had stockpiled for too many years.

In today’s fast-paced world, companies make changes to their documentation more often than you might realize. With e-Apps, you can be confident you’re using each carriers’ latest forms.

Go Paperless for Good

One of the greatest perks of Med Supp sales is that some states allow sales over the phone to clients in any state you’re licensed and appointed in, and e-Apps can help make this possible. No wet signature required means no stocked paper that you might otherwise misplace.

When you don’t need to keep as many (or any) paper apps on hand, you’re doing your part to save the trees while simplifying what you need to pack for appointments.

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Ultimately, the primary factor of a Med Supp sale should be how well a plan fits your client, but it doesn’t hurt when an e-App helps make that transaction easier for all parties.

Not affiliated with or endorsed by Medicare or any government agency.

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